Chapter 1: Anxious and Effervescent
Chapter 2: "You like me, don't you?" <i>The Virgin Suicides (1999)</i>
Chapter 3: "Does it get easier?" <i>Lost in Translation (2003)</i>
Chapter 4: "This is ridiculous." <i>Marie Antoinette (2006)</i>
Chapter 5: I'm fucking nothing." <i>Somewhere (2010)</i>
Chapter 6: "Girls! Time for your Adderall!" <i>The Bling Ring (2013)</i>
Chapter 7: "This is a nightmare. I can't do this." <i>A Very Murray Christmas (2013)</i>
Chapter 8: "I'm as blunt as I need to be." <i>The Beguiled (2017)</i>
Chapter 9: "You can't go deaf to women's voices. <i>You know that, right?" On the Rocks (2020)</i>
Chapter 10: "You're losing me to a life of my own." <i>Priscilla (2023)</i>
Chapter 11: "Listen to the girl / As she takes on half the world."