Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
Pages: 200
Trim: 6¼ x 9½
978-1-4758-3300-3 • Hardback • May 2017 • $74.00 • (£57.00)
978-1-4758-3303-4 • Paperback • May 2017 • $36.00 • (£30.00)
978-1-4758-3304-1 • eBook • May 2017 • $34.00 • (£25.00)
Lin Carver, Ph. D, is a professor, literacy coach, author, and presenter with over 40 years of experience at the K-12 and the university level in both face to face and online formats. Dr. Carver is the Reading Program Administrator at Saint Leo University where she has been for the past seven years. She is active supporting the local K-12 school district and literacy associations, conducting research in the areas of literacy, technology, and student engagement, and presenting both nationally and internationally.
Judith A. Orth, Ph.D., is a pedagogical professional with over 45 years of experience in public and higher education. She has a plentitude of publications and educational experience in the elementary/middle school classroom, public school administrator, university professor and university administrator, in both land and online academic institutions. Dr. Orth has presented at conferences, workshops and seminars and has been affiliated with Walden University for over 12 years. She is very active in local literacy foundations as well as national reading/educational associations.
Chapter 1
What is coaching?
Six Definitions of Coaching
Coaching is Voluntary
Approaches to Coaching
What is a Growth Mindset?
Developing a Growth Mindset
Hindrances to a Growth Mindset
Staying Positive Around Negative People
Working Together
Specific Goal
Measurable Goal
Attainable Goal
Realistic Goal
Timely Goal
Reflect and Apply Activities
Chapter 2
Teacher Effectiveness
Characteristics of Effective Teachers as Determined by Teachers’ Perception
Characteristics of Effective Teachers as Determined by Student Achievement
Effective Coaches
PBWorks Characteristics of Effective Coaches
Coaching and Supervision
Coaching is Not Supervision
Components of Coaching
Relationship Skills
Leadership Skills
Content Area Skills
Literacy Skills
Assessment Skills
Writing Skills
Differentiation Skills
Adult Learning Skills
Reflect and Apply Activities
Chapter 3
Categories of Teachers
Processing Information
Short-Term Memory
Working Memory
Increasing Working Memory
Long-Term Memory
Moving Information from Short Term to Long Term Memory
Teaching Implications
Reflect and Apply Activities
Chapter 4
Leadership Characteristics
Comparing Characteristics of Effective Coaches
Data Analysis
Data Provides the Basis for the Coaching Process
Professional Development
Adult Learners
Learning Improves our Brain
Long-Term Memory
Types of Long-Term Memory
Declarative Memory
Non-Declarative Memory
Reflect and Apply Activities
Chapter 5
Learning Climate
Rote Rehearsal
Elaborative Rehearsal
Serial Position Effect
Instructional Methods
Multisensory Approaches
Learning and Motor Skills
Factors Impacting Retrieval Rates
Structuring Professional Development
Using the Gradual Release Model to Plan Professional Development
Establish the Purpose
I Do
We Do
We Do Together
You Do
Types of Coaching
Informal Coaching Model
Mixed Model of Informal and Formal Coaching
Formal Literacy Coaching Model
Peer Coaching and Mentoring Model
Cognitive Coaching Model
Clinical Supervision Model
Coaching Continuum of Learning Formats
Reflect and Apply Activities
Chapter 6
Methods of Data Collection
Formal and Informal Assessments
Norm- and Criterion-Referenced Assessments
Types of Formal Assessments
Screening Assessments
Diagnostic Assessments
Progress Monitoring Assessments
Summative/Evaluative/Outcome Assessments
Types of Informal Assessments
Levels of Data Analysis
School and District Data
Class Data
Student Data
Can Instruction Really Make a Difference?
Collecting Teacher Data
Anonymous or Identified
Response Type
Structuring Questions
Question Order
Reflect and Apply Activities
Chapter 7
Learning Styles of Children and Adults
Visual Learners
Kinesthetic Learners
Auditory Learners
Gardner’s Intelligences
Adult Learning Theories
Self-directed Learning
Transformative Learning
Professional Development
Coaching Practices
Observational Categories
Using Data from Observations
Teacher Evaluation Systems
Reflect and Apply Activities
Chapter 8
Components of a Well-Designed Coaching System
Content-based Focus on Adult Learning
Conditions that Support Effective Coaching
Instructional Leadership Provided by the Coach
Teachers at Different Career Stages
Working with Teachers
Specific Praise
Instructional Scaffolding
Corrective Feedback
Reflect and Apply Activities
Chapter 9
Teaching Digital Natives
Task Switching
Complex Texts
Use of Novelty
Use of Humor
Use of Movement
Lesson Preparation
Incorporate Digital Resources
Don’t Overload Information
Lesson Preparation and Teacher Evaluation Systems
Professional Learning Communities
Keys to Effective Coaching
Listening Skills
Level 1- Internal Listening
Level 2: Focused Listening
Level 3: Global Listening
Use of Silence
Minimal Encouragers
Verbal Listening Skills
Using Questions in the Coaching Session
Reflect and Apply Activities
Chapter 10
Classroom Environment
Physical Environment
Room Arrangement
Traffic Flow
Visual Displays
Social/Cultural Environment
Teacher-Student Interactions
Peer Interactions
Respect is Evident
Student Expectations Clearly Stated
Multicultural Materials Used
Classroom Management
Instructional Environment
Student Involvement
Student Achievement is Valued
Providing Feedback after an Observation
Grade Level Concerns
Setting the Teacher at Ease
Teacher Respect
Structuring Feedback
Reflect and Apply Activities
Chapter 11
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Levels of Higher Order Thinking
Encouraging Higher Order Thinking
Thinking and Emotion
Difference between Complexity and Difficulty
Working with Resistant Teachers
Avoiding a Top-Down Process
Action Research
Make Them Part of a Group
Steps in the Action Research Process
Providing Support
Reflect and Apply Activities
Chapter 12
Classroom Management
Establishing Classroom Rules
Specific Rules
General Rules
Procedures and Routines
Individual Intervention Strategies
Point Sheets
Observing a Student
ABC Chart
Off-Task Behavior
Reflect and Apply Activities
Chapter 13
Tips for Beginning Coaches
Developing Skills
Coaching Support
Professional Development to Change Practice
Reflect and Apply Activities
Appendix A
Evaluating Instruction Short-Term Memory Checklist
Appendix B
Evaluating Instruction Short- and Long-Term Memory Checklist
Appendix C
Checklist for Moran’s Continuum of Learning Formats
Appendix D
Basic Literacy Data Collection Tool186
Appendix E
Literacy Data Collection by Standard187
Appendix F
K-5 Mathematics Data Collection Tool
Appendix G
6-8 Mathematics Data Collection Tool
Appendix H
Environmental Observation Form
Appendix I
Higher Order Question Stems
Appendix J
Weekly Point Sheet
Appendix K
ABC Chart
Appendix L
Off-Task Behavior Chart
Written by authors with extensive classroom and research experience, Coaching: Making a Difference for Teachers and Students provides a comprehensive explanation of methods for implementing coaching in any school and/or classroom. The chapters provide a logical sequence with theory and concomitant examples serving as a useful guide for teachers. I highly recommend this resource for all instructional coaches.
— Carol Todd, PhD, Adjunct Instructor and Instructional Designer, Rio Salado College
Coaching: Making a Difference for Teachers and Students covers a compelling variety of relevant topics in a logical progression. The inclusion of topics from coaching theory, instructional practices, teacher evaluation systems, learning theory, and classroom management provide an excellent foundation for beginning instructional coaches or experienced professionals. The end of chapter activities are appropriate for coursework or use in professional learning communities. Excellent book for supporting instructional coaches in their crucial role.
— Lauren Pantoja, Learning Design Coach, Chasco Middle School